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Ecosystem based adaptation

 Today, the climate change and environmental issues are the important topic of discussion among the conversationalist. The governments are coming with different different policies, organizations are inventing new ideas to cope up with these challenges. Everyday new environmental rules and laws are being formulated.  In this scenario "The Ecosystem based adaptation" is the best way to fight the challenges of global environment problems.

It is like providing the solution in natural and ecological way. For example instead of building reservoir for checking flood or building structure to prevent coastal areas from being submerged into the seas. The ecosystem based adaptation provides a more cheaper way to solve the problem, which totally depend upon sustainable development of ecology. Its principle based upon proper forestation and sustainable management of natural resources such as water, trees and agricultural land. It includes the afforestation strategy in all types of human habitat which will decrease the atmospheric temperature and purify the air through the moisture released by the leaves. Apart from this It will also results in increasing the water table in the earth surface. Similarly the afforestation in coastal areas will checks the soil erosion by acting as buffer system. Trees will degrade the waves which causes the erosion in  coastal areas and which results the submersion of coasts into the water. Apart form these as we know that how mangrove forest  prevents the the land areas from storm and devastating cyclonic winds. The afforestation policies in the coastal areas will also act in the same way. Apart from afforestation the natural lake  in human habitat will also have tremendous impact on the storage of ground water. 

This little changes will also have a very positive effect on the urban wild life. The birds which are extincting due to degradation of their natural habitat, will get a positive environment within the human habitat to survive. So in this way the basic of the ecosystem based upon the concept of adaptation of oneself  as per the natural ecosystem where there is no boundary between urban wild life and human habitat. It is a solution to which highlights the importance of coming close and get linked to the nature.     


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