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Showing posts with the label DW documentary

A village of Indonesia utilizing rain water harvesting mechanism

Video link   In a video blog of DW hindi (video link given above), describes a village in Indonesia where people rely are using rain water harvesting to fulfill their daily needs of water. With increasing demand and privatization of water industry in Indonesia, one priest came with an excellent solution to solve the water crises. He promotes the concept of rain water storing whole year and refine this water through the process of electrolysis. The principle of electrolysis is basically based on passing of currents between the two electrodes dipped into the water. This process kills the germs present is the rain water and make it fit for drinking purpose. For more information click on the above video link.    

50 percentage of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany by 2020

  As per an article published in DW, in order to archive zero carbon emission policy by 2035, Germany has taken a way forward. In year 2020, 50.5 % of electricity production was based on renewable sources of energy.  27% part of total electric production came from wind energy,10% part came from the solar contribution, 9% from the biomass and 4% from hydropower, 13% from nuclear enegry 12% from natural gas and 24 % form coal. All these is due to a good governance policies which brings this magnificent results and expect to grow more in recent futures. 

Growing craze of electric car in Norway

  In a recent report published in DW, now the people of Norway are preferring electric car over conventional petrol and diesel cars. The country has set a milestone of totally removing all the conventional type cars by 2025. Approximately 54.3% of total cars that were bought in the year 2020 were the electric one. In 2019 this data was on 42.4% which clearly shows the recent increase in Battery operated electric vehicles usage. This interest among the people has caught attention to many car manufacturing company such as Ford, Tesla, Audi, BMW etc and these companies are launching their electric vehicles in the country. The car distributors has expected this tread will further increase in 2021 and so on and in this way by 2025 the country will become totally free from the conventional diesel and petrol based cars.

जर्मनी के जंगलो को बचाने की एक मुहीम

   दी डब्लू में प्रदर्शित एक डॉक्यूमेंटरी (जिसका लिंक नीचे  दिया गया है ) में जर्मनी के जंगलो में जलवायु परिवर्तन के कारण  होने कारण नुकसान को दर्शाया गया है। जर्मनी  का एक बड़ा हिस्सा जंगलो से घिरा है मगर जलवायु की मार पड़ने से यहां के जंगल सूखते जा रहे है जिससे परिस्थितिया और भी गंभीर होती जा रही है।  गर्मिया बड़ रही है और भूगर्भ जल का स्तर निचे चला जा रहा है।  इन परेशनियो को देखते हुए गोएथे विस्वविद्याल के एक वैज्ञानिक वोल्फगांग बुणगमन, जंगल अधिकारी एवं पर्यावरणविदों की सहायता से एक हल निकला है।  जर्मनी के इन जंगलो में चीड़  और बालोत के जगह ऐसे पेड़ लगाए जा रहे है जो ज्यादा गर्मी झेल और कम पानी में भी रह सके।  इसके मदद से इस देश में घटती जंगलो की समस्या से भी निजात पाया जा सकेगा।  Video Link