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Journey to a hill top in search of a temple

 In my resident, I always used to see a distant hill from my rooftop. During childhood days I have trekked the hill once or twice during the new year celebrations. But now approximately 20-22 years have been passed and I never visited the place. Well there was various reasons behind it. A new park was build at some distant from the hill and the tourist attractions for the hill decayed over time. Now people used to go the park and enjoy whole day instead of facing spiny tress, foxes and other reptiles of the hill. Years passed by and we brought up. School life ended and collage life continued but still back of the mind, I always wished to again and trek to the top and hill, like I used to do during my childhood days. But the busy schedule never given me casual leave for this purpose.  

But one day, I noticed something strange from the distant hill. Some musical notes of Lord shiva bhajan was coming form the distant hill side, but I thought that may the bhajan is coming from any temple which is certainly situated in that direction not from the hill because the whole hill was full of jungle and no one used to live in the hill instead of animals.  After some days, I also observed that there were two lights glows on the top of the hill, after the sun sets behind the hill. At first, I thought, certainly, there will be any newly installed mobile tower or electric pole from which the light sources are coming, because how any person can live on that dark hill. But one day, I enquired about the light source with one of my friend. Then he told me that there is new small temple is being build by an old priest with the help of some villagers at the top of that hill. After listening, again the query to go the hill top and see the temple arose in my mind. I told to my friend that I want to go to that hill top and want to see the temple. My friend agreed and we planned our journey to the distant hill.   

We start our journey to the distant hill and reached the bottom. We started trekking up the hill. It was very steep, but it was not very much high. While trekking, I tried to encounter the moments when I used to trek this hill with my friends during childhoods days. The whole place is totally covered with huge tress, spiky shrubs and entangling bamboo trees. It took only 20 minutes to reach to the top of the hill. I again tried to recollect the memories about the hill top from childhood days. But now every memory has fade away. Hardly I could recollect anything about how the world from the hill top looked like before 20 years. Anyway, after reaching the hill top, we proceeded to the directions of temple through bushes, which are as tall as a full grown man. After sometime we reached near the temple. It was small half build temple of lord Shiva. The temple was build with bamboos only. There were some devotees who have offered prasad to us. Then we greeted before lord Shiva and started our return journey.

The hill described in the strory is CMRI hill of dhanbad, Jharkhand. 

Picture below:

Picture 1, CMRI Hills, Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Picture 2, CMRI Hills, Dhanbad, Jharkhand


Picture 3, CMRI Hills, Dhanbad, Jharkhand

A picture of my friend at CMRI hill, Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Setting sun behind the CMRI hill


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