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Work from home vs. work from office

Me doing Work from home and simultaneously enjoying the nature.

Now a days, we are working on generally two modes. Either our official or academic work are in WFH (work from home) mode or WFO (work from office) mode. When Covid-19 started spreading last year in January 2020 and all the restrictions were implemented by the government. Suddenly, all the offices started shutting down. Then, whole economy came on WFH platform. At the beginning, everyone faced little difficulty but then WFH became a better option for work. Now a days, when the restrictions is being lifted up and we are going to the normal condition with decreasing spread of Covid disease, again the working culture is returning back in offline mode i.e. WFO mode. Today many of the people are reluctant to return on WFO mode because of various reasons. In contrast, many people are happy with backing WFO mode. Still schools, colleges are working with 50 percent capability with both WFH and WFO options. So at present, we are in a situation, where we are working through both modes i.e., WFH and WFO. Both the mode of works have its own advantages and disadvantages.

In WFH, you have the freedom of flexibility of time unlike WFO mode, at least for my case this condition suits perfectly, because there are also jobs where one have to restrict himself or herself for the fixed time even in WFH mode as well. Again, in WFH, you are not bound to be sleep deprived and then suddenly jumping off the bed and run to the office. You have your own little office at your own room or even your bed may be the place of the office. You have plenty of time to do other works because now you don't have to waste a lot of time in transportation for WFO. But the most important thing about WFH is that, you have a peaceful environment where you can focus your whole attention and do your work instead of listening some noise of simulations machines or noise of drilling machine at some corner of the office. All the conferences and meeting are regularizing in online platform, which also cost effective, as you don't have to travel to the places or cities to attend those conferences. But apart from all these advantages, there is some disadvantages as well. In WFO, you have the proper environment for discussions and meetings. Even though, zoom and google meet have tried to overcome this problem, but there is no any 100 percent alternative for the offline meeting and discussions. You are totally aware about the present progress of the whole office and officemates. You remain continuously updated and more productive in WFO mode which may not be totally true for WFH culture, because there may be some days when your whole output throughout the day is zero and you did nothing in WFH. Again, it is also important to mention that WFH is optional not universal. Many of the work cannot be done online such as work electrical, civil, lab related works etc.

So, both the modes has its own advantages and disadvantages. Finally, I conclude that, it is better to work using both modes as per the requirement work. It will be time saving and cost effective.   


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