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Deforestation: a factor for zoonotic diseases


Video link

In a documentary by UNEP (link given above) reveals the relation between how deforestation is related to disease which is related to zoonotic animals such as bats, rats etc. With drastic increasing the supply and demand chain, industries are putting themselves too far in grabbing more and more lands to built industries. This results in an adverse impact on the forest lands, which is vanishing day by day. With increasing deforestations the zoonotic animals are coming closer to the human environments, which is effecting the heath of humans and domestic animas such as cats and dogs. The growing zoonotic disease such as Ebola, Covid 19 are becoming common. Such encounter of parasites with humans is expected to increase in future if the process of sustainable development is not employed by industrial units. As a consumer, it is also duty of every person to maximum rely on local markets for fulfilling their daily needs. It will decrease the gap of supply and demand which will bring positive health to the planet earth. For more information click on the video link of United nations environment program (UNEP) given above.


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