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Showing posts from 2019

Monsoon: The season where beauty originates

Monsoon season has a very magical effect which enlightens the human soul. The atmosphere energises to you to your next level. It takes the whole focus and attention to the beauty of nature. The sound of water drops hitting the leaves and ground, the beautiful flow of water over the ground can not be described in words. The whole environment after the rain becomes very conducive.  Just some walk among trees relaxes the mind and has a tremendous and mindful effect on an individual. In our daily life, we have lost ourselves in the jungle of concrete that we even forgot what we are. So the season has a miraculous effect. A little glimpse of beauty after the rain : If possible just overserve the dewdrops falling from the leaf, you will feel completely lost in the scenario The sky covered with black clouds represents that black is not always related to evil spirits.

Friends world is like a Tree

PC Tree root Clip art library It is a very fantastic strory which I heard from the video blog of Jay Shetty.  We grow up with making new friends everyday. We make friends at home,school, then college then at offices. And with time we see that the one who were in some frame of the life were very special to us very relevant to us becomes fade away with time and all the time spent and enjoy done together lost in the echo. We always thinks about why he/ she forget me, what blunder has been done by me. Is he/ she is so selfish to leave once the work was over once the home place was changed. We generally felt deeply sad about it. Then suddenly one day while browsing over video I got this answer from the video blog of Jay shetty which satisfied my all the concerned answer. Friends are like trees. At a first glance we see innumerable leaves which once grows in one season and filled the entire tree. The countless leaves makes the tree more adorable. But when the season is over all...

Which is the thing which holding you back?

High Flying Eagles.   P.C.  This is the story of two eagles which I learnt from my mentor Gaur Gopal Das who has influenced my life in all possible way. Once, an emperor of the kingdom was gifted two eagles on a special occasion. The king was very much delighted by seeing the two eagles. He ordered his ministerial cabinet to arrange a person to train the eagles to fly high. The minister followed the order of the great king and went in the search of a great trainer. While wandering in each place the ministers get to about a person who has acclaimed great feat in the field of training all kind of birds. He is brought in front of the king and prescribed the duty to train the two eagles to fly. From the very next day, the trainer started to train both the eagles. One of them is doing very good. He is following each step of his master and learning the basics of flying very fastly. But the other one is not even displaced from the branch from where it sits....

A Beautiful sunrise in Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Mahabalipuram beach      P.C. Sucharitha One cannot describe the scenic beauty of nature with words. In cannot be defined with sentences, phrases, or winged words. Even millions and billions of books cannot describe the magnificence of nature. It can only be felt, It can only be realised. It can only be experienced. And that single moment described all the definition of joy and pleasure of heart within that fragment of fragrance in the nature.

Exploring The Early Morning

Morning, the word itself has a very beautiful significance. The word visualises the early dawn, birds chirping, the mild wind breeze and the rising sun. The whole nature energizes you to your full potential. How beautiful the valleys are, how beautiful the paddy fields, the whole nature used to sing the song of enlightenment. You feel one step close to the god by encountering this magnificent beauty. Suddenly all the worries all stress vanishes and the air makes you soothe, calm. I used to wake up at 5 AM early in the morning and used to go on a morning walk every day. It refreshes your lungs, you feel joy within your heart and is a time when while you are along you talk to yourself and have some me time for you. Even a small chat with yourself brings the best version within yourself. It makes your day more productive and efficient. A day without a morning walk is like a day is wasted without doing anything positive.