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Which is the thing which holding you back?

High Flying Eagles.   P.C. 
This is the story of two eagles which I learnt from my mentor Gaur Gopal Das who has influenced my life in all possible way.

Once, an emperor of the kingdom was gifted two eagles on a special occasion. The king was very much delighted by seeing the two eagles. He ordered his ministerial cabinet to arrange a person to train the eagles to fly high. The minister followed the order of the great king and went in the search of a great trainer. While wandering in each place the ministers get to about a person who has acclaimed great feat in the field of training all kind of birds. He is brought in front of the king and prescribed the duty to train the two eagles to fly. From the very next day, the trainer started to train both the eagles. One of them is doing very good. He is following each step of his master and learning the basics of flying very fastly. But the other one is not even displaced from the branch from where it sits. The master has tried all his effort to make the other eagle fly but all the efforts go in vain. Finally, the master gets tired and exhaust and fed up and surrendered before the king with all his comments about the second eagle. It made the king anxious. He discussed the matter with his ministers and came to a judgement that maybe they are in need of a person who is more familiar to nature who more familiar to the birds. Maybe he can sort out the problem which the second eagle is facing right now. The minister again started his search for the very person. while searching they were passing through a village where an old man was cutting trees. Seeing the peoples of king very anxious and depressed he decided to inquire about the problem. After knowing the problem the old man thought about the problem and told all of them that he can sort out the problem if he is given this duty. Seeing no other option the ministers agreed and given the duty to train the eagles. On the very next day, while roaming in the morning the king gets astonished to see the second eagles flying high, touching the altitudes of the sky, it looks like the whole sky is like his home, and both the Eagles are wandering through the sky like they are already well trained. The king met with the old man and asked the secret which made the second eagle fly high. The old man just a faint smile replied that he just cut the branch in which the second eagle was sit.

The story is very moral in the sense that it highlights us about the branch in which we are sitting and do not want to leave in the fear of being fell onto the ground. We have to see that is the second eagles symbolises out attitude to be reluctant to fly high. We have to see in which branch we have captured the position and do not want to be upgraded due to any kind of fear. Sometimes the thing which holds you back is in your mind.

Thanks for the reading.



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