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Friends world is like a Tree

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It is a very fantastic strory which I heard from the video blog of Jay Shetty.  We grow up with making new friends everyday. We make friends at home,school, then college then at offices. And with time we see that the one who were in some frame of the life were very special to us very relevant to us becomes fade away with time and all the time spent and enjoy done together lost in the echo. We always thinks about why he/ she forget me, what blunder has been done by me. Is he/ she is so selfish to leave once the work was over once the home place was changed. We generally felt deeply sad about it. Then suddenly one day while browsing over video I got this answer from the video blog of Jay shetty which satisfied my all the concerned answer.

Friends are like trees. At a first glance we see innumerable leaves which once grows in one season and filled the entire tree. The countless leaves makes the tree more adorable. But when the season is over all the leaves shattered away. It represent the friends who came in our life momentarily and we have great time together for a very short time. we enjoyed the life to the fullest way but then when the task was done they disappear in the fog of time. Then comes the branches of trees which were lesser. It was the building block of the tree, which signify the friends who were more concerned about us. We have work together and helped each other whenever it required. Then comes the root of a trees which was very few in number, even cannot be seen but it is the most fundamental part of friendship. It represents the friends which are with us from a very long time maybe childhood friend may be school friend. We even not talk each other frequently but when any disastrous situation arrives they are the one who helps in the hour of crises.

So it does't depend the time duration of enjoyment we have spent with out friends as we see in the case of leaves of a tree. It totally depend upon the qualify of life we are spending with particular friend which are roots of the friendship which get the least preference in our friendship list.   


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