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In the Southern part of India, A state Kerala, known for its cultural activities such as Dance, vibrant festivals, Hill stations, Backwater, Elephants, forestry of Rubber trees and Coconut trees is situated. The state got its name from "Kera" means coconut tree in Malayalam and "Alam" means land so the meaning of Kerala is driven from the land of coconut trees.

Now in this shivering cold in the month of December, We started our tour to Thiruvananthapuram-the capital of Kerala. We started from Kolkata via flight, and when we arrived at the airport of Thiruvananthapuram in the early morning the first thing which I feel is the weather is very calm weather. When the entire Northern part of India is shivering in cold this Southern part of India is slightly affected with the winter season. Anyway, We have to go IISER Trivandrum, where an international conference was being held and I was one of the participants in the conference.

 The landscape of the whole city mesmerised me. It is totally present in the heart of the mountains which is covered with greeneries of Coconut Trees, Rubber Trees, and it also reminded me the days when I was in class 10th and we used to study that Kerala is famous for its Rubber production. It looks like nature is still in a very undisturbed form. It is a very good place in search of peace and mindfulness and relaxes you from the tensions of daily hectic city lives.

We are in the IISER campus which in the midst of hilly regions which is covered with green forests. Even the distant waterfall sounds can also be heard very clearly in the midst of the Jungle. We encountered with millions and millions of various species of Birds, all pray the song of nature.

Rubber Trees

Hilly views

Rubber Trees

Coconut Trees

A beautiful morning view from IISER Campus

After being overwhelmed by the beauty of Nature, We made a plan to visit a place named "Poovar Island" known for its backwater. It took 2 and a half hour to reach there from IISER Campus. It was a very nice place for holidays and Honeymoon. It was fully covered with Mangrove forest. The entire geography reminds me of the Hollywood movie "Anaconda". A little glimpse of backwater boat riding in Mangover forest in Kerala in pictures is shown below,

Mangrove forest and boat riding in Poovar Island

Boat riding in the backwater of Arabian sea in Mangrove forest of Poovar Island

A sunken boat 

A bird 
An old boat 

In the way, we encounter with various species of birds, a sunken boat, an old boat left at a place shown above. After 30 minutes of boat riding suddenly a vast ocean the Arabian Sea appeared in front of us. The vastness of the sea cannot be described in words. It seems that the entire horizon of the sky is meeting with the Horizon of the infinite blue sea. There were resorts cottages built in that place to enjoy the holiday trips and explore the place.

An infinite ocean: The Arabian sea after coming out of the backwater

A view of the Arabian sea from the backwater  

Mother Mary statue in Poovar Island

Resorts floating over boats

Elephant rock

Our Resort 

Me- Exploring the horizon of Arabian Sea

The beach was full of tourists and local boys were seen to play football near the beach. We enjoyed a lot at the beach and till the sunset. The Tides of the sea was not very huge so it was safe to enjoy in sea water. The footprints over the sand has made a deep impact on our mind. After that, We returned to our resort where there was a shopping stall where there was varieties of a collection of traditional dresses such asTshirts, Top, Kurtis, skirts, Sarees and many other dresses having design depicting the culture of Kerala and as well as Jwellaries, handbag, purses, statues of Lord Buddha, Shiva, Ganesha and toy models of Tortoise and Elephant made of stone and wood was there. It was good to buy something as a memento of the place which will remind you about the place time and again. After that we have taken our dinner and returned the same night.
It was a very beautiful experience to visit the place and enjoy the culture of Kerala. We hope that someday we again got a call from the place to again revise the portraits imprinted over our heart and mind by the beauty of the place and the beautiful state Kerala.

Thank-You for reading.


  1. Well representation. Your writing reflects the fact that why it is called 'God' s own country'. Wish to visit Kerala again.

    1. A very nice thank from the deep of my heart to put some light to read the entire article and nice comment


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