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Showing posts from June, 2019

Which is the thing which holding you back?

High Flying Eagles.   P.C.  This is the story of two eagles which I learnt from my mentor Gaur Gopal Das who has influenced my life in all possible way. Once, an emperor of the kingdom was gifted two eagles on a special occasion. The king was very much delighted by seeing the two eagles. He ordered his ministerial cabinet to arrange a person to train the eagles to fly high. The minister followed the order of the great king and went in the search of a great trainer. While wandering in each place the ministers get to about a person who has acclaimed great feat in the field of training all kind of birds. He is brought in front of the king and prescribed the duty to train the two eagles to fly. From the very next day, the trainer started to train both the eagles. One of them is doing very good. He is following each step of his master and learning the basics of flying very fastly. But the other one is not even displaced from the branch from where it sits....

A Beautiful sunrise in Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu, India

Mahabalipuram beach      P.C. Sucharitha One cannot describe the scenic beauty of nature with words. In cannot be defined with sentences, phrases, or winged words. Even millions and billions of books cannot describe the magnificence of nature. It can only be felt, It can only be realised. It can only be experienced. And that single moment described all the definition of joy and pleasure of heart within that fragment of fragrance in the nature.